Boundless Network™

Create a Store

Store Name (for internal use only)
Products in this store will be referenced in Portal as ProductsThe label you choose for your online store products will be referenced in the following places in Portal:
- "Browse Products" menu (i.e. ______, Catalog, Recent Buys)
- "Shop these approved products by category or View All ______ Products"
- Search menu dropdown for keyword searches

Ex: Store, Buy Now, Approved
Send Mgr Approval Email notifications to SP? Selecting "Yes" will enable an auto-generated e-mail notification to be sent to the appropriate sales team member for all orders placed in this store with the order summary and an alert message indicating that the order requires manager approval before processing.
Enter Email Addresses for the sales team member(s) who should receive notifications for orders requiring Mgr Approval
Mgr Approval: Custom Email Message for SP This message will be included at the top of the e-mail notification with the order summary and will be sent to e-mail addresses listed above.
Select Accounts that should have access to this Store
Select Account(s)
Account Actions